Max Players: 12 (All Bookable Online)
System: Blood on the Clocktower
Hosts: Blood on the Clocktower Glasgow!
Age Bracket: 12+
Tags:Horror, Murder/Mystery, Party Game, Social Deduction, Bluffing
When: Saturday 19:00 to 21:00
Location: BotC Room – First Floor
Description: Blood on the Clocktower is a social bluffing game for those who delight in deduction and deception where you play either as a resident of a town trying to catch a killer demon or as part of an evil team trying to blend in and slowly kill off the townsfolk.
In Blood on the Clocktower, dead players are never eliminated, every player knows something that can impact the outcome, players may enter a game after it starts, and the dynamic Storyteller role leads each game to a nail-biting outcome.
No two games are ever the same and death is not the end…
Script: Trouble Brewing
This script is ideal for new plays who have either not played Blood on the Clocktower before or who have only played a few games. This is the perfect script for your first trip to Ravenswood and to have a go at demon hunting! Experienced players are also welcome.