D&D 5E AL – Starship Under Siege – SJ-DC-SUS-01 – TIER 1


14:30 – 18:00

Online booking has ended. Tickets and event bookings are available at the convention.


Max Players: 6 (4 Advanced Booking / 2 Book at the convention)

Scenario: Starship Under Siege – SJ-DC-SUS-01 – TIER 1

RPG System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Adventurers League

Dungeon Master: Marc Lucksch

What age bracket is the game? 12+

Tags: Fantasy

When: Friday 14:30 – 18:00

Location: D&D AL Mezzanine, 1st Floor

Scenario Description: A small kobold spelljammer has a big problem, the crew keeps dying for no reason.

But help is at hand, a group of adventurers stranded in space might be able to figure this out and get everyone home safe.

CONTENT WARNING: Suffocation, Witch Trial

Pre-Generated Characters: Yes – 1st Level Pre-generated Characters will be available.

Existing Adventurers League Characters: If you have an existing 1st to 4th level Forgotten Realms Adventurers League character then you can use that to play in this adventure.

Adventurers League Info: Want to create your own 1st level character? Follow the guidance in the D&D Adventurers League Player’s Guide which can be downloaded here: https://dnd.wizards.com/adventurers-league