Spirit of ’77 – Superfast! Go!


19:00 – 22:30

Online booking has ended. Tickets and event bookings are available at the convention.


Max Players: 5 (3 Advanced Booking / 2 Book at the convention)

Scenario: Superfast! Go!

RPG System: Spirit of ’77

Game Master: Gavin Inglis

What age bracket is the game? 12+

Tags: Comedy, Crime, Funky

When: 19:00 – 22:30

Location: RPG Mezzanine, 1st Floor

Scenario Description: Make the hero you never got to watch, in the best Seventies TV series they never made.

Spirit of 77 is a Powered By The Apocalypse (PBTA) game packed with thrilling action and unlikely situations.

Attend the glitzy launch party for an experimental 79-storey robot, deployed a few blocks from downtown.

What could possibly go wrong?

Pre-Generated Characters: No – We will start with a quick, fun character generation process on sheets the GM will supply.